Friday, August 24, 2007

Recommend a Read

I am reading some great books at the moment (I have nine on the go!) A list of my good reads from this year (completed) are at the bottom of this blog. If you have read anything of note that you would recommend to your reading friends, or me, leave a comment on this post.


universe93 said...

In the last month or two I've read Audrey Niffenegger's "Time Traveller's Wife" which is excellent from a narrative/character standpoint - very creatively written and engaging. Currently I'm reading Jodi Picolut's "My Sister's Keeper" which is also excellent though from in completely different way. The focus on the book is more on the moral/ethical questions it raises and challenges as opposed to the characters and story itself, which I guess is pretty weird for me to be considering in a book I'm reading recreationally but, whatever. I've also read Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" but that turned out to be just a badly written teen vampire novel, as much as I was hoping it wouldn't be.

Will be back to answer the Austen feminism question when I've considered it a bit more.
- Charlotte.

Taryn said...

i was just wondering if you'd seen the movie of "romulus, my father", apparently it's very good. just thought i'd just add that in.

pretty in pink said...

Charlotte, isn't it disappointing when a book turns out to be really ordinary? I have read My Sister's Keeper too, and thought that it was really thought-provoking; it made me question the morality of creating a child to 'save' another, and i thought Picoult was asking some very good questions. I have actually read a few of her novels, and have liked them all (if not necessarily 'enjoyed' them)!
Taryn - no, I haven't seen it yet - i think i need a bit of distance between the novel and the film. But i will ...... maybe on dvd.

Unknown said...

i finally got around to reading "A Child Called 'It'" and I've started on the next book, but the first one has scarred me for life...